Baetis mayfly nymph to the left; to the right, Zygoballus jumping spider
Both shot with 38/2.8 OM auto macro lens
Olympus developed an affordable (well, comparatively) and very complete line of macro equipment for their 35mm SLR line of cameras during the 1980s and '90s. Two unique and outstanding examples of this effort are the Olympus 38/2.8 and 20/2.0 macro lenses. These lenses are of particular value to the entomologist--combined with an OM2N or OM4T camera body, various extensions, and one or more flash units, they enable one to utilize off-the-film flash metering and an automatic iris diaphragm in the lens to obtain shots of insects, spiders, and other tiny creatures in the field at magnifications well above life size.
This site will be a work-in-progress, and the "how-to" behind the photos will have to be added at a future date. For the time being, various pages will show examples of what I've obtained with my OM4T and stable of lenses, extensions, and flashes. "Photographing Jumping Spiders: I" is the first example of the "how to" intended for the site.